
Providing research & stock management of Pacific halibut within Canada and the U.S.A.
The ex-vessel (dockside) value of the Canadian and USA commercial Pacific halibut fishery often ranges between $200 million and $400 million USD per year.
* The latest data indicates a value of $134 million (2023), down from $196 million the previous year (2022). Over the past 20 years, the average annual value has been $250 million, with a peak of over $400 million in 2007. All values in real 2024 USD.
The wholesale and retail market value of Pacific halibut is much higher, as it is sold fresh, frozen, and processed into value-added products.
As indicated by data from British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Alaska’s Commercial Operator's Annual Reports, wholesale markups typically range between 30% and 50%.
Prices per pound vary but in the last decade ranged between $4 and $8 USD at the dockside, increasing significantly in retail markets.
* For comparison, the average ex-vessel price for Alaskan seafood in 2023 was $0.43 USD ($0.58 CAD).
* Fresh Alaskan Pacific halibut fillets routinely sell for $30-40 USD ($40-54 CAD) a pound at retail markets in Seattle.
The recreational Pacific halibut fishing industry is a significant contributor to the coastal economies of Alaska, British Columbia, and the USA West Coast.
* The recreational charter sector generates significant economic value, with every $1 spent on guided Pacific halibut fishing trips generating $3.40 in total economic output. When angler expenditures on fishing trips and durable goods are included, the total recreational fishing impact reaches $463 million USD or $615 million CAD (2019).
The broader economic impact of Pacific halibut, including all sectors it supports, brings the total value of the Pacific halibut input into economy to well over $1 billion USD annually.
* In 2019, the total economic impact of the Pacific halibut sectors was estimated at $1.014 billion USD ($1.346 billion CAD) in output.
* Pacific halibut contribution to households’ income in 2019 was estimated at $326 million ($432 million CAD).

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IPHC-2025-CR-008 For Decision – MSAB Membership (for approval)

IPHC-2025-MR-008 Pacific Halibut Commercial Fishing Period Set to Open on 20 March

IPHC-2025-MR-007 Notification of IPHC Fishery-Independent Setline Survey (FISS) 2025 Contract Awards

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The IPHC Secretariat aims to deliver positive economic, environmental, and social outcomes for the Pacific halibut resource for Canada and the U.S.A. through the application of rigorous science, innovation, and the implementation of international best practice.