IPHC News Release 2018-009 Recreational Fisheries: Columbia River Closures

10 May 2018


Recreational FISHERIES: Columbia River Closure

Closed: Columbia River (WDFW Marine Area 1, ODFW Columbia River Sub-area) all-depth Pacific halibut recreational fisheries. The combined Washington and Oregon preliminary catch estimates from the Columbia River total 8,455 pounds (3.8 tonnes), against an allocation of 11,182 pounds (5.1 tonnes), following three days of recreational fishing. As a result, the Columbia River all-depth Pacific halibut recreational fisheries will close at the end of the day Friday, 11 May 2018. These fisheries will then be closed for the remainder of 2018.

For more information on these updates please refer to:

Washington: Department of Fish and Wildlife website:


Oregon: Department of Fish and Wildlife website:


For further recreational fishery retention information, call the NMFS hotline (1-800-662-9825 press 7 for Pacific halibut information).

Due to the short notice nature of this notification, it is posted to our website only, and no paper copy has been mailed out.

– END –

David T. Wilson, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Phone: (206) 634-1838
Fax:     (206) 632-2983
Web:  www.iphc.int




Report #


Date Published


2018-009 Recreational Fisheries: Columbia River Closure

10 May 2018


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