Book Contributions Index

Book Contributions

Wilderbuer, T., Leaman, B., Zhang, C., Fargo, J., and Paul, L. (2005) Pacific flatfish fisheries. pp. 272-288 In Gibson, R.N. (Ed.) Flatfishes: Biology and Exploitation. Blackwell Science Ltd. London. 391 p.
Chen, D.G. (2002) A fuzzy logic view on classifying stock-recruitment relationships in different environmental regimes. In Recknagel, F.(ed.), 2002. Ecological Informatics: Understanding Ecology by Biologically-Inspired Computation. Springer Verlag, Berlin. page 329-352 (Chapter 17).
McCaughran, D. A. and Deriso, R. B. (1988) Effect of biological assumptions on halibut production estimates. p. 5-28. [In] W. S. Wooster (ed.). Lecture Notes on coastal and Estuarine Studies, Fishery Science and Management, Objectives and Limitations, Springer-Verlag.
Isaki, C. T., Schultz, L. K., Smith, P. J., and Diffendal, G. J. (1987) Small area estimation research for census undercount. [In] R. Platek, J. N. K. Rao, C. E. Sarndal, and M P. Singh (eds.). Small Area Statistics. John Wiley, New York.
Deriso, R. B. (1986) Factores a considerar en el manejo de una pesqueria incierta. [In] Bases Biologicas y Marco Conceptual Para el Manejo de Los Recursos Pelagicos en el Pacifico Suroriental. Lima, Peru.
Isaki, C. T., Shultz, L., Smith, P. J., and Diffendal, G. (1986) Methods for census undercount adjustment. [In] , R. Platek, J. Rao, C. Sarndal, and M. Singh (eds.). Small Area Statistics Wiley-Interscience: New York, N. Y.
Sedransk, J. and Smith, P. J. (1986) Confidence intervals for quantities of finite populations. [In] P. R. Krishnaiah, (ed.). Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 6: Sampling, North Holland Publishing Company.
Deriso, R. B. (1985) Risk adverse harvesting strategies. p. 65-74. [In] M. Mangel (ed.), Resource Management, Lecture Notes in Biomathematics. Vol. 61. Springer-Verlag. N. Y.
Quinn II, T. J. (1984) Trends in daily catch-per-unit effort of Pacific halibut: Estimation, Standardization, and Implications. p. 160-167. [In] R. Lamberson (ed.), Mathematical Models of Renewable Resources. Vol. III. Association of Resource Modelers. Arcata, California.
Quinn II, T. J., Best, E., Bijsterveld, A. L., and McGregor, I. R. (1983) Port sampling for age composition of Pacific halibut landings. p. 194-205. [In] W. G. Doubleday and D. Rivard (eds.). Sampling commercial catches of marine fish and invertebrates. Can. Sp. Pub. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 66.
Best, E. A. (1981) Halibut ecology. p. 495-508. [In] The Eastern Bering Sea Shelf: Oceanography and resources. D.W. Hook and J. A. Calder (eds.) Vol. 1.
Quinn II, T. J. (1981) The use of Leslie-type age-structure models for the Pacific halibut population. p. 217-242. [In] Quantitative Population Dynamics, Douglas G. Chapman and V. F. Gallucci (eds.). International Co-operative Publishing House, Fairland, Maryland.
Quinn II, T. J. (1979) The effects of school structure on line transect estimators of abundance. [In] Statistical Ecology, Vol. S12, G. P. Patil and M. Rosenzweigh (eds.). Inter. Coop. Pub. House, Fairland, Maryland.