Colin L. Jones , M.Sc.



The Research Biologist (Life History) position is a position within the Biological and Ecosystem Sciences Branch that also works closely with the Quantitative Sciences Branch. This position is intended to conduct studies aimed at improving our understanding of key life history traits of Pacific halibut informing stock assessment and management strategy evaluation. The incumbent reports directly to the BESB Manager.

  • Have worked on fishery-independent data collection since 2012. Experience at the state (WDFW), federal (NOAA/PSMFC), and now international level (IPHC). With my educational background in marine ecology, I enjoy pursuing research on ecological processes that help inform proper management of groundfish.
  • M.Sc., Marine Ecology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 2011
  • B.Sc., Biology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 2006
  • Keller, A.A, J.H. Harms, J.R. Wallace, C.L. Jones, J.A. Benante, and A. Chappell.  2019.  Changes in long-lived rockfishes after more than a decade of protection within California’s largest marine reserve.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 623: 175-193.  
  • Jones, C.L., T.W. Anderson, and M.S. Edwards.  2013.  Evaluating eelgrass site quality by the settlement, performance, and survival of a marine fish.  Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 445: 61-68.

Contributed Papers

  • Jones, C.L. 2018. Potential Reserve Effects of Cowcod Conservation Areas on Shelf Rockfish in the Southern California Bight. 20th Western Groundfish Conference, Seaside, CA. February 2018.
  • Chappell, A., Jones, C., Harms, J., Benante, J., Whitmire, C., and M. Thompson. Using a Towed Video Camera-Sled to Classify Benthic Habitat in Southern California Bight. 20th Western Groundfish Conference, Seaside, CA. February 2018.
  • Keller, A.A, Harms, J., Wallace, J., Benante, J, Jones, C., and A. Chappell. 2018. Size and catch of demersal fish within the Southern California Bight in relation to Cowcod Conservation Areas. 20th Western Groundfish Conference, Seaside, CA. February 2018
  • Jones, C.L. 2016. Surveying groundfish in untrawlable habitat: The NWFSC shelf rockfish hook and line survey. Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) Groundfish Seminar Series, Seattle, WA. October 2016.
  • Jones, C.L., Harms, J., and J. Benante.  2016.  Potential Impacts of Cowcod Conservation Areas on Shelf Rockfish in the Southern California Bight.  5th NWFSC Science Symposium, Seattle, WA.  April 2016.
  • Jones, C.L., Harms, J., Benante, J., Chappell, A., Hicks, A., and J. Wallace.  2016.  Determining the Distribution and Abundance of Shelf Rockfish: A Cooperative Research Study in the Southern California Bight.  19th Western Groundfish Conference, Newport, OR.  February 2016.
  • Deza, A.A., Jones, C.L., Hoesterey, J.C., Patonai, K., Hubbard, D., Lehman, P., Page, H.M., and S.C. Schroeter.  2012.  Assessing bird abundance and assemblage structure in tidal wetlands: implications for restoration success.  Western Society of Naturalists, Monterey, CA.  November 2012.
  • Matthews, J.A., Jones, C.L., Schroeter, S.C., and B.T. Hentschel.  2012.  Growth rates of a spionid polychaete vary among sites in a restored wetland.  Western Society of Naturalists, Monterey, CA.  November 2012.
  • Jones, C.L. and Anderson, T.W.  2011.  Evaluating eelgrass (Zostera marina) site quality by the settlement, performance, and survival of a marine fish.  Benthic Ecology Meeting, Mobile, AL.  March 2011.  
  • Jones, C.L. and Anderson, T.W.  2010.  Evaluating eelgrass habitat quality by fish settlement, performance, and survival.  Western Society of Naturalists, San Diego, CA.  November 2010.

Other Conference Presentations

  • Jones, C.L. 2017. Southern California Shelf Rockfish Hook and Line Survey: 14 Years of an Industry-Scientist Research Partnership. San Diego Anglers Fishing Club Meeting, San Diego, CA.  July 2017.
  • Benante, J. and Jones, C.L. 2017. NOAA Fisheries’ Southern California Shelf Rockfish Hook & Line Survey: 14 years of an Industry-Scientist Research Partnership. Fred Hall Show, Long Beach, CA.  March 2017.
  • Wargo, L., Tsou, T., Jones, C., Pahutski, J., Okimura, V., Speidel, B., and B. Walker.  2013.  Neah Bay Marine Catch Area 4B Recreational By-catch Assessment.  WDFW Marine Fish Science 2012 Year-end Conference, Olympia, WA.  February 2013.
  • Anderson, T.W., L.S. Lewis, and C.L. Jones.  2009.  The Role of Fishes in Ecosystem Function and Evaluating Habitat Quality in Eelgrass Beds.  United States Navy 1st Annual San Diego Bay Symposium, San Diego, CA.  April 2009.

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