Ian Stewart , Ph.D.



The Quantitative Scientist (Stock Assessment) serves as the primary lead for IPHC stock assessment activities by the Commission. The incumbent is responsible for working with all branches of the IPHC to ensure that data collection, coordination and supporting analyses align with stock assessment needs and timing. The incumbent conducts the stock assessment analyses each year (or as needed), working closely with the other quantitative scientist positions to ensure results are complete and available for the IPHC’s meeting and decision-making. Presents results to the Commission, subsidiary boards and stakeholders, both formally and informally. Conducts research in support of the IPHC’s research program, as well as in the general field of stock assessment and fisheries methods.

Works with the Executive Director to develop and set overall objectives, ensures adherence to scientific standards, and develops long-range research plans to address critical knowledge gaps in the understanding of Pacific halibut population dynamics.

  • Stock assessment scientist for the National Marine Fisheries Service from 2004-2012, contributing to the assessments and rebuilding plans for many west coast groundfish species.  Extensive interactions with fishery-dependent and independent data collection programs focusing on estimation of uncertainty and standardization for use in stock assessments.
  • Ph.D., School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington, 2006
  • M.S., School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington, 2001
  • B.A., Dartmouth College, 1996

Peer Reviewed

  • Carpi, P., Loher, T., Sadorus, L.L., Forsberg, J.E., Webster, R.A., Planas, J.V., Jasonowicz, A., Stewart, I.J., and A.C. Hicks. In Press. Ontogenetic and spawning migration of Pacific halibut: a review. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.
  • Taylor, I.G., Doering, K.L., Johnson, K.J., Wetzel, C.R., and I.J. Stewart. 2021. Beyond visualizing catch-at-age models: Lessons learned from the r4ss package about software to support stock assessments. Fisheries Research. 239. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2021.105924.
  • Stewart, I.J., Scordino, J.J., Petersen, J.R., Wise, A.W., Svec, C.I., Buttram, R.H., Monette, J.L., Gonzales, M.R., Svec, R., Scordino, J., Butterfield, K., Parker, W., and L.A. Buzzell. 2021. Out with the new and in with the old: reviving a traditional Makah halibut hook for modern fisheries management challenges. Fisheries. doi: 10.1002/fsh.10603
  • Stewart, I.J., Hicks, A.C., and P. Carpi 2021. Fully subscribed: Evaluating yield trade-offs among fishery sectors utilizing the Pacific halibut resource. Fisheries Research 234. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105800.
  • Forrest, R.E., Stewart, I.J., Monnahan, C.C., Bannar-Martin, K.H., and L.C. Lacko. 2020. Evidence for rapid avoidance of rockfish habitat under reduced quota and comprehensive at-sea monitoring in the British Columbia Pacific Halibut fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 77: 1409-1420.
  • Webster, R.A., Soderlund, E., Dykstra C.L, and I.J. Stewart. 2020. Monitoring change in a dynamic environment: spatio-temporal modelling of calibrated data from different types of fisheries surveys of Pacific halibut. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 77: 1421-1432.
  • Monnahan, C.C., and I.J. Stewart. 2018. The effect of hook spacing on longline catch rates: Implications for catch rate standardization. Fisheries Research. 198:150-158.
  • Monnahan, C.C., and I.J. Stewart. 2017. Implications of process error in selectivity for approaches to weighting compositional data in fisheries stock assessments. Fisheries Research. 192:126-134.
  • Stewart, I.J., and S.J.D. Martell. 2015. Reconciling stock assessment paradigms to better inform fisheries management. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 72(8): 2187-2196.
  • Martell, S., Stewart, I., and Sullivan, J. 2015. Implications of bycatch, discards, and size limits on reference points in the Pacific halibut fishery. In Fisheries bycatch: Global issues and creative solutions.  G.H. Kruse, H.C. An, J. DiCosimo, C.A. Eischens, G. Gislason, S., D.N. McBride, C.S. Rose and C.E. Siddon. Eds. Alaska Sea Grant, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
  • Stewart, I.J., and O.S. Hamel. 2014. Bootstrapping of sample sizes for length- or age-composition data used in stock assessments. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71: 581-588.
  • Stewart, I.J., and S.J.D. Martell. 2014. A historical review of selectivity approaches and retrospective patterns in the Pacific halibut stock assessment. Fisheries Research. 158: 40-49.
  • Martell, S.J.D., and I.J. Stewart. 2014. Towards defining good practices for modeling time-varying selectivity. Fisheries Research. 158: 84-95.
  • Thorson, J.T., I.G. Taylor, I.J. Stewart, and A.E. Punt. 2014. Rigorous meta-analysis of life history correlations by simultaneously analyzing multiple population dynamics models. Ecological Applications 24(2): 315-326.
  • Ralston, S.J., and I.J. Stewart. 2013. Bifurcated distributions of pelagic juvenile rockfish on the U.S. west coast in 2005 and 2006. CalCOFI Reports 54: 1-12.
  • Thorson, J.T., I.J. Stewart, I.G. Taylor, and A.E. Punt. 2013. Using a recruitment-linked multispecies stock assessment model to estimate common trends in recruitment for US West Coast groundfishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 483: 245-256.
  • Doherty, D.T., R. Hilborn, A.E. Punt and I.J. Stewart. 2013. Modeling co-occurring groundfish species: a simulation study on the effects of the spatial scale for setting management targets. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 70: 49-56.
  • Thorson, J.T., M.E. Clarke, I.J. Stewart and A.E. Punt. 2012. The implications of spatially varying catchability on bottom trawl surveys of fish abundance, and a proposed solution involving in situ underwater vehicles. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 70: 294-306.
  • Stewart, I.J., A. Hicks, I. Taylor, J.T. Thorson, C. Wetzel and S. Kupschus. 2012. A comparison of stock assessment uncertainty estimates using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods implemented with the same model framework. Fisheries Research. 142: 37-46.
  • Thorson, J.T., I.J. Stewart, and A.E. Punt. 2012. Development and application of an agent-based model to evaluate methods for estimating stock abundance for shoaling fishes such as Pacific rockfish (Sebastes spp.). ICES Journal of Marine Science. 69(4): 635-647.
  • Keller, A. A., J. R. Wallace, B.H. Horness, O. S. Hamel, I. J. Stewart. 2012. Variations in Eastern North Pacific demersal fish biomass based on the U.S. West Coast groundfish bottom trawl survey (2003–2010). Fishery Bulletin. 110: 205-222.
  • Getsiv-Clemons, J.E.R. W.W. Wakefield, C.E. Whitmire, I.J. Stewart. 2012. Identifying potential habitats from multibeam echosounder imagery to estimate abundance of groundfish: a case study at Heceta Bank, OR, USA. In P.T. Harris and E.K. Baker, Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: GeoHAB Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats, Elsevier Inc., p. 570-586.
  • Hilborn, R., I.J. Stewart, T.A. Branch, and O.P. Jensen. 2011. Conservation of diversity and food security in the California Current bottom trawl fishery. Conservation Biology. 26: 257-266.
  • Thorson, J.T., I.J. Stewart, and A.E. Punt. 2011. Accounting for fish shoals in single- and multi-species survey data using mixture distribution models. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68: 1681-1693.
  • Harms, J.H., J.R. Wallace, and I.J. Stewart. 2010. A fishery-independent estimate of recent population trend for an overfished U.S. west coast groundfish species, Bocaccio rockfish (Sebastes paucispinis). Fisheries Research 106: 298-309.
  • Stewart, I.J., A. Keller, E.L. Fruh, V. Simon, and B.H. Horness. 2010. Throwing In The Towel: When Do Adverse Conditions Dictate A Weather Day During A Bottom Trawl Survey? Fisheries Research 102(1-2):130-140.
  • Stewart, I.J., and K.R. Piner. 2007. Simulation of the estimation of ageing bias inside an integrated assessment of canary rockfish using age estimates from a bomb radiocarbon study. Marine and Freshwater Research 58:905-913.
  • Stewart, I.J. 2007. Defining plausible migration rates based on historical tagging data: a Bayesian mark-recapture model applied to English sole (Parophrys vetulus). Fishery Bulletin 105:470-484.
  • Helser, T.E., I.J. Stewart and H.-L. Lai. 2007. A Bayesian hierarchical meta-analysis of the genus Sebastes in the eastern Pacific ocean. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 64: 470-485.
  • Quinn, T.P., I.J. Stewart and C.P. Boatright. 2006. Experimental evidence of homing to site of incubation by mature sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Animal Behaviour 72: 941-949.
  • Minte-Vera, C.V., T.A. Branch, I.J. Stewart, and M.W. Dorn. 2005. Practical application of meta-analysis results: avoiding the double use of data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:925-929.
  • Stewart, I.J., S.M. Carlson, C.P. Boatright, G.B. Buck, and T.P. Quinn. 2004. Site fidelity of spawning sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka W.) in the presence and absence of olfactory cues. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 13:104-110.
  • Stewart, I.J., T.P. Quinn, and P. Bentzen. 2003. Evidence for fine-scale natal homing among island beach spawning sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka. Environmental Biology of Fishes 67:77-85.
  • Stewart, I.J., R. Hilborn, and T.P. Quinn. 2003. Coherence of observed adult sockeye salmon abundance within and among spawning habitats in the Kvichak River watershed. Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin 10(1):28-41.


  • Hicks, A.C., and Stewart, I.J. 2017. 4.5 An investigation of the current IPHC harvest policy and potential for improvement. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2016. p. 421-438.
  • Webster, R.A., and Stewart, I.J. 2017. 4.3 Setline survey-based apportionment estimates. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2016. p. 395-402.
  • Stewart, I.J., and Hicks, A.C. 2017. 4.2 Assessment of the Pacific halibut stock at the end of 2016. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2016. p. 365-394.
  • Stewart, I.J. 2017. 4.4 Regulatory area harvest policy calculations and catch tables. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2016. p. 403-420.
  • Stewart, I.J. 2017. 4.1 Overview of data sources for the Pacific halibut stock assessment and related analyses. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2016. p. 279-364.
  • Loher, T., Dykstra, C.L.K., Thomas M., Erikson, L.M., and Stewart, I.J. 2017. 2.9 Voluntary at-sea marking of Pacific halibut in the targeted longline fleet. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2016. P. 110-121.
  • Leaman, B.M., and Stewart, I.J. 2017. 2.12 Research basis for estimated discard mortality rates used for Pacific halibut in longline and trawl fisheries. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2016. p. 133-172.
  • Goen, J., Erikson, L.M., and Stewart, I.J. 2017. 2.2 Incidental mortality of Pacific halibut in the directed commercial halibut fishery (Wastage). IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2016. p. 41-49.
  • Stewart, I.J., Monnahan, C.C., and Martell, S. 2016. Assessment of the Pacific halibut stock at the end of 2015. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2015.  p. 188-209.
  • Stewart, I.J., and Monnahan, C.C. 2016. Overview of data sources for the Pacific halibut stock assessment and related analyses. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2015. p. 99-187.
  • Stewart, I.J., and Martell, S.J.D. 2016. Appendix: Development of the 2015 stock assessment. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2015. p. A1-A146.
  • Stewart, I.J. 2016. Regulatory area harvest policy calculations and catch tables. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2015. p. 220-237.
  • Martell, S.J.D., Leaman, B., Stewart, I.J., Keith, S.W., Joseph, C., Keizer, A., and Culver, M. 2016. Developments in management strategy evaluation / management strategy evaluation board. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2015. p. 286-312.
  • Martell, S., Stewart, I., and Wor, C. 2016. Exploring index-based PSC limits for Pacific halibut. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2015. P. 238-285.
  • Webster, R.A., and Stewart, I.J. 2016. Setline survey-based apportionment estimates. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2015. p. 210-219.
  • Gilroy, H.L., and Stewart, I.J. 2016. Incidental mortality of halibut in the commercial halibut fishery (wastage). IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2015. p. 47-55.
  • Stewart, I.J., and Martell, S. 2015. Assessment of the Pacific halibut stock at the end of 2014. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2014.  p. 161-180.
  • Stewart, I.J. 2015. Regulatory area harvest policy calculations and catch tables. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2014. p. 195-212.
  • Webster, R.A., Stewart, I.J., Leaman, B.M., Sadorus, L.L., Henry, E., and Dykstra, C.L. 2015. Setline survey expansion and complementary data sources. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2014. p. 587-602.
  • Stewart, I.J., Leaman, B.M., and Martell, S.J.D. 2015. Accounting for and managing all Pacific halibut removals, IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2014. p. 221-266.
  • Stewart, I.J. 2015. Overview of data sources for the Pacific halibut stock assessment and related analyses. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2014. p. 87-160.
  • Sadorus, L.L., Stewart, I.J., and Kong, T. 2015. Juvenile halibut distribution and abundance in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2014. p. 367-404.
  • Monnahan, C.C., and Stewart, I.J. 2015. Evaluation of commercial logbook records: 1991-2013. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2014. p. 213-220.
  • Martell, S.J.D., Leaman, B.M., Keith, S.W., and Stewart, I.J. 2015. Developments in Management Strategy Evaluation/Management Strategy Advisory Board. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2014. p. 277-298.
  • Martell, S., Leaman, B., and Stewart, I. 2015. Developments in the Management Strategy Evaluation Process, fisheries objectives, and implications for harvest policy and decision making. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2014. p. 239-260.
  • Martell, S., Leaman, B., and Stewart, I. 2015. Recent developments in the IPHC Management Strategy Evaluation process and size-limit implications. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2014. p. 299-312.
  • Gilroy, H.L., and Stewart, I.J. 2015. Incidental mortality of halibut in the commercial halibut fishery (wastage). IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2014. p. 47-54.
  • Forsberg, J.E., and Stewart, I.J. 2015. Re-ageing of archived otoliths from the 1920s to the 1990s. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2014. p. 405-428.
  • Keith, S., Kong, T., Sadorus, L., Stewart, I., and Williams, G. 2014. The Pacific Halibut: Biology, Fishery, and Management. IPHC Tech. Rep. No. 59. 60 p.
  • Stewart, I.J. 2014. Overview of the data sources for the Pacific halibut stock assessment and related analyses. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2013. p. 95-168.
  • Stewart, I.J., and S. Martell. 2014. Assessment of the Pacific halibut stock at the end of 2013. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2013. p. 169-196.
  • Martell, S., B.M. Leaman, and I.J. Stewart. 2014. Developments in the Management Strategy Evaluation Process, fisheries objectives, and implications for harvest policy and decision making. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2013. p. 239-260.
  • Webster, R.A. and I.J. Stewart. 2014. Apportionment and regulatory area harvest calculations. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2013. p. 197-216.
  • Gilroy, H.L. and I.J. Stewart. 2014. Incidental mortality of halibut in the commercial halibut fishery (Wastage). IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2013. p. 49-56.
  • Stewart, I.J., B.M. Leaman, S. Martell and R.A. Webster. 2013. Assessment of the Pacific halibut stock at the end of 2012. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2012. p. 93-186.
  • Stewart, I.J., S. Martell, R.A. Webster, R. Forrest, J. Ianelli, and B.M. Leaman. 2013. Assessment review team meeting, October 24-26, 2012. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2012. p. 239-266.
  • Webster, R.A. and I.J. Stewart. 2013. Apportionment and regulatory area harvest calculations. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2012. p. 187-206.
  • Leaman, B.M., I.J. Stewart, R.A. Webster and H.L. Gilroy. 2013. IPHC Staff harvest advice and regulatory proposals: 2013. 2013 IPHC Annual Meeting Handout. p. 114-130.
  • Martell, S., I.J. Stewart and B.M. Leaman. 2013. Optimal harvest rates for Pacific halibut. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2012. p. 207-238.
  • Gilroy, H.L. and I.J. Stewart. 2013. Incidental mortality of halibut in the commercial halibut fishery (Wastage). IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2012. p. 53-60.
  • Stewart, I.J., R.E. Forrest, N. Taylor, C. Grandin, A.C. Hicks, and S.J.D. Martell. 2012. Status of the Pacific hake (whiting) stock in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2012. Document submitted to the Joint U.S.-Canada treaty for Pacific hake/whiting process. 194 p.
  • Stewart, I.J., J.T. Thorson, and C. Wetzel. 2011. Status of the U.S. sablefish resource in 2011. In Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2011, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation: Stock Assessments, STAR Panel Reports, and Rebuilding Analyses. Pacific Fishery Management Council, Portland, Oregon. 442 p.
  • Stewart, I.J., R.E. Forrest, C. Grandin, O.S. Hamel, A.C. Hicks, S.J.D. Martell, and I.G. Taylor. 2011. Status of the Pacific hake (whiting) stock in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2011. In Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2011, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation: Stock Assessments, STAR Panel Reports, and Rebuilding Analyses. Pacific Fishery Management Council, Portland, Oregon. 217 p.
  • Stewart, I.J. and O.S. Hamel. 2010. Stock Assessment of Pacific Hake, Merluccius productus, (a.k.a. Whiting) in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2010. Pacific Fishery Management Council. Portland, Oregon. 290 p.
  • Stewart, I.J., J.R. Wallace, and C. McGilliard. 2009. Status of the U.S. yelloweye rockfish resource in 2009. In Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2009, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation: Stock Assessments, STAR Panel Reports, and Rebuilding Analyses. Pacific Fishery Management Council, Portland, Oregon, 435 p.
  • Stewart, I.J. 2009. Status of the U.S. canary rockfish resource in 2009 (Update of 2007 assessment model). In Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2009, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation: Stock Assessments, STAR Panel Reports, and Rebuilding Analyses. Pacific Fishery Management Council, Portland, Oregon, 115 p. + Appendices.
  • Stewart, I.J. 2009. Rebuilding analysis for yelloweye rockfish based on the 2009 stock Assessment. In Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2009, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation: Stock Assessments, STAR Panel Reports, and Rebuilding Analyses. Pacific Fishery Management Council, Portland, Oregon, 96 p.
  • Stewart, I.J. 2009. Rebuilding Analysis for Canary Rockfish Based on the 2009 Updated Stock Assessment. In Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2009, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation: Stock Assessments, STAR Panel Reports, and Rebuilding Analyses. Pacific Fishery Management Council, Portland, Oregon, 53 p.
  • Hastie, J., Stewart, I.J. and O.S. Hamel. 2009. Distribution of Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) relative to the Tribal Usual and Accustomed fishing grounds off the State of Washington.  Background document for the NOAA-NWR. 31 p.
  • Hamel, O.S. and I.J. Stewart. 2009. Stock Assessment of Pacific Hake, Merluccius productus, (a.k.a. Whiting) in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2009. In Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2009, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation: Stock Assessments, STAR Panel Reports, and Rebuilding Analyses. Pacific Fishery Management Council, Portland, Oregon, 246 p.
  • Helser, T.E., I.J. Stewart, and O.S. Hamel. 2008. Stock Assessment of Pacific Hake (Whiting) in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2008. In Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2008; Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation. Pacific Fisheries Management Council. Portland, Oregon, 128 p.
  • Helser, T.E., I.J. Stewart, C.E. Whitmire, and B.H. Horness. 2007. Model-based estimates of abundance for 11 species from the NMFS slope surveys. U.S. Dept. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-82.
  • Stewart, I.J. 2007. Rebuilding analysis for canary rockfish based on the 2007 stock assessment. In Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2007; Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation. Pacific Fisheries Management Council. Portland, Oregon, 47 p.
  • Stewart, I.J. 2007. Status of the canary rockfish resource in 2007. In Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2007; Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation. Pacific Fisheries Management Council. Portland, Oregon, 362 p.
  • Stewart, I.J. 2007. Updated U.S. English sole stock assessment: status of the resource in 2007. In Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2007; Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation. Pacific Fisheries Management Council. Portland, Oregon, 213 p.
  • Helser, T., I.J. Stewart, G. Fleischer, and S. Martell. 2006. Stock Assessment of Pacific Hake (Whiting) in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2006. In Volume 7: Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Through 2005, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Portland, OR: Pacific Fishery Management Council.
  • Methot, R. and I.J. Stewart. 2006. Status of the U.S. canary rockfish resource in 2005. In Volume 6: Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Through 2005, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation: Stock Assessments and Rebuilding Analyses Portland, OR: Pacific Fishery Management Council.
  • Stewart, I.J.  2006. Stock assessment with an evaluation of structural uncertainty, and model performance applied to English sole. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences.  284 p.
  • Stewart, I.J. 2005. Status of the U.S. English sole resource in 2005. Pacific Fishery Management Council, 2005 Stock assessment and STAR panel reports. 221 p.
  • Helser, T.E., H.-L. Lai and I.J. Stewart. 2004. A Bayesian hierarchical meta-analysis of growth for the genus Sebastes in the eastern Pacific ocean. ICES CM 2004/K:21 Conference Proceedings.
  • Hamel, O.S., I.J. Stewart and A.E. Punt. 2003. Status and future prospects for the Pacific ocean perch resource in waters off Washington and Oregon as assessed in 2003. In Volume I: Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2003; Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation. Pacific Fisheries Management Council. Portland, Oregon. 124 p.
  • Punt, A.E., O.S. Hamel and I.J. Stewart. 2003. Rebuilding analysis for Pacific ocean perch for 2003. In Volume I: Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2003; Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation. Pacific Fisheries Management Council. Portland, Oregon. 27 p.
  • Stewart, I.J. 2001. Population structure and patterns of historical abundance of sockeye salmon in the Kvichak River system, Bristol Bay, Alaska. M.S. Thesis. University of Washington. 56 p.

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